The Brewer Family

The Brewer Family
2004 Picture

Monday, November 23, 2009

October Florida vacation 2009

Crazy laptop. The mouse jumps so when you are trying to delete one thing, the mouse jumps and deletes another. This picture was to be farther down on the page. It was accidentally deleted and I can only add pictures on the top. This is Sonny and Lolly (me) on the glass bottom boat tour.
Unpacking. We stayed in the apartment on the left. Since tourist season was over, we had the beach, etc. to ourselves for the most part. No one was in the apartment on the right.

We had a full, fun trip to Florida. Below are some pictures of events that took place. I'll post more later.
One of the beautiful sunsets (or sunrises ~ they look alike in pictures) we witnessed from the balcony.Sonny, Lolly and Valerie enjoying the view of the Gulf of Mexico from the balcony
Jonathan and Jeff enjoying the beach. The water was surprisingly warm.
Everyone was actually checking out DeEtta's toenail design with is hard to describe, but it was very pretty. From left to right. Valerie, part of Patrick, DeEtta, Sonny, John (DeEtta's husband) Jim
Glass bottom boat ride. Rob, Amie and Phoenix looking at us as. Tina on the side and Madison asleep in the stroller. I thought the bottom would be glass, but instead the sides were. The only thing we saw through the glass was jellyfish.
Jeff and Jonathan entertaining cousins Patrick and Tyler
Sisters DeEtta and Lolly
Captain Valerie (at least for the duration of the picture)
Dolphins escourted the boat.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Lolly

This is what 55 candles burning looks like. Yes, I blew them all out with one breath. But---it took 2 people to light them. Thank you Jason and Jeff. That way the first ones weren't melted down before the last ones were lit. Jim says you can't see the writing for the light. Jason and Sheri bought it. It said, "Happy Birthday Grandma".

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jeff is 18!!

Jeff is 18. Our youngest. OW! Happy Birthday Jeff.

Wild driver took off after the cameragirl. Ignore the first few seconds. :)

State Fair and Roof extras

Some random pics of this past summer

Above: Victoria giving a "body slam" to Valerie.
Below: Playing in the water
I sure do love this little gal.
Helping water the plants.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

August happenings

Jonathan turned 22 on Aug. 19.
At the end of the day Valerie took a picture of weary NY State Fair goers.
Valerie standing with the living statues at NY State Fair.
The wolf took honorable mention at the NY State Fair. It is the one I made Jason for Christmas 2008.
Sheri watching Victoria as she goes from one place to another.

At the playground
Supervisors must wear hard hats at construction sites.
Finally done with the roof. Thanks to fine sons who were such a blessing.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

17 Months---Not 17 years, YET

Victoria had already tried the lock with her plastic keys with no success so she decided to try the handle. She pushed buttons, changed keys, everything, but never did get it to work. Some plastic isn't worth much I guess.

New roof

Jim, Jason, Jeffrey and Jonathan put a new roof on the backside of the kitchen area. Shingles had blown off last year. When they got up there, Jim and Jason found there were 5 layers of shingles to remove. I didn't get a picture of them when they were done, but they looked like chimney sweeps after a full day's work.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Riding a horse

Jason and Victoria riding a war horse at the Renaissance in NY

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Renaissance Fair in Sterling NY

Valerie made costumes for the Renaissance. The boys are wearing their "Brewer coat of arms" decal on their tunics. (She did not make the pants--just plain jeans from the 2000's :)) The snood (hair net type cap for women) was made a few years ago by Valerie --with Mom's help since it was very tedious. The swords are the boys' own possessions. Yes, they are real. Here we are getting ready to go. The day, though very, very warm, was not bad--no rain and plenty of shade if needed.
Waiting outside the gate.
Victoria enjoyed a "war horse" ride with Daddy. Here she is waving at the end of her journey. She seemed fascinated with the horses.

Jonthan and Jeff leading the way somewhere--Valerie following in the red dress.
Jim is on Valerie's right in the white hat.

Val with Sir William --the victor--after the joust.

Sir William before the joust.

Jonathan, Jeff and Val consulting the map/schedule.
If you double click on the picture you can see the detail in Valerie's snood better (her "hair net") You can also see Jeff's chainmail shirt between the black tunic and the white shirt.
He even made the rings (for the chainmail) themselves. It probably weighed a good 10 pounds. Jeff, Val, Jason,Victoria, Sheri and Jonathan

Friday, July 24, 2009

Jumping Through June and July

Jonathan was asked to speak at church Sunday night.
Happy birthday, Craig.
Birthday dinner at the Chowder House. Snow globe where we can put our picture in the center. Gift from Jonathan, Valerie and Jeffrey for our anniversary.

At the dining hall at Victory Grove Camp

Valerie turned 20.

Valerie and Skippy at the
Wal-Mart Company Picnic.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our little driver

Whee, this is fun. May I please have the keys now!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Phil & Deborah

All the way from St. Lucia Island!
May 23rd, 2009

A Family Picture before parting paths.

Picnic in the back yard with Sharon our neighbor.

This is NOT the proper stance!

Starting a healthy competition with the wii.

Who hit whom with a golf ball? Remember?

Deborah loves to walk, which is going to keep Phil literally on his toes.
Deborah is a commited Christian and a real thinker.
She is presently studying for her U.S. citizenship and doing VERY well.

Philip, (Jim's brother) and his new bride come for a visit.
Deborah is from St. Lucia Island and holds a masters in accounting.

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.
Another Benchmark - notice I am NOT on the bench!

Jason & Sheri

Jason & Sheri
Wedding Day June 15, 2007

Aunt Doris

Aunt Doris
I used to be this small.

Small head ~

Small head ~