The Brewer Family

The Brewer Family
2004 Picture

Thursday, January 29, 2009

South Carolina

We visited with Rev. Ken and Ruth Rice. We always enjoy fellowship with them and the folk there. (See, this is a good candid of you both!!)
The church we attended while there. Jim preached twice on Sunday.
The housing on the church property. This is where they housed us. Great accomodations!!

The fellowship meal (pot luck is always lucky there) in the fellowship hall. We ate between services .

Where we stayed

Any one feeling the call to teach should check these accomodations. This is the home on the church property.
Eating breakfast in the dining room.
Valerie getting breakfast.
The master bedroom

One of the two living room areas.

Sooo relaxing.

Vacation down south for Doris

While we went to South Carolina and W Va Doris stayed with Jim's (and Doris') brother, Keith and his family.
We stayed in Ben's room on the way down south as he was away at work. Here he is returned and getting ready to go again. Thanks for the bed, Ben. :)

Kyle was in cyber school. Here he is "in action".

Tyler (on break) and Sue (in the back row) then Keith and Marcos . Doris is in the front sporting a broken shoulder. Thanks Keith and Sue for helping out and for letting us stop in and sleep each way . We enjoyed the short stays.

GBS Quartet

This is the morning the God's Bible School group left. Cold and Snowy. They did a wonderful presentation with their music and testimonies.
Jonathan is standing by the PR man who spent the night in our home.
The pianist stayed here also. She and Valerie are checking out the computer possibilities.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Jonathan and Jeff enjoying some horseplay while we opened Christmas gifts.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Picking and grinning

Grandpa is always trying to find ways to entertain Victoria. He is showing her a video clip of herself.
No, Grandpa. I think this one sounds better. Let me try it.

Major Moments and Brewers' Benchmarks at Brewers' Blog

We were able to see Larry, Sharon and Laura New Year's Day. Here they are looking great.

I had some video clips of Victoria, etc. but am having trouble getting them to load. I hope to share those soon.

Christmas pictures

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Since we used 2 lanes (one for boys and one for girls--make the competition fair) sometimes Mom and Dad were both up to bowl so Grandpa got to entertain the little pumpkin

Victoria checking out the scores (actually she was probably watching for Mommy)

Doris holding a colorful bowling ball just for fun

Jason waiting for the ball to return

Sheri doesn't even want to know what it did.

Got everyone smiling.

Car igloo

I opened the van door to get the windshield scraper and this is what I saw on the other side.

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.
Another Benchmark - notice I am NOT on the bench!

Jason & Sheri

Jason & Sheri
Wedding Day June 15, 2007

Aunt Doris

Aunt Doris
I used to be this small.

Small head ~

Small head ~