The Brewer Family

The Brewer Family
2004 Picture

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday #19

Tis hard to believe that our little ray of sunshine is now 19! She is growing in the Lord and we are very proud of the "Valiant" spirit that she possesses. We may keep her close to home for a while, for she is a young thing and cannot leave her mother (or father! And if'n they try, "They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers! "


Sheri Brewer said...

Happy Belated Birthday Valerie!! We will give you your present this weekend.

Dorcas said...

They grow~up way toooooo fast!

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.
Another Benchmark - notice I am NOT on the bench!

Jason & Sheri

Jason & Sheri
Wedding Day June 15, 2007

Aunt Doris

Aunt Doris
I used to be this small.

Small head ~

Small head ~