The Brewer Family

The Brewer Family
2004 Picture

Thursday, January 29, 2009

GBS Quartet

This is the morning the God's Bible School group left. Cold and Snowy. They did a wonderful presentation with their music and testimonies.
Jonathan is standing by the PR man who spent the night in our home.
The pianist stayed here also. She and Valerie are checking out the computer possibilities.


Dorcas said...

It's always nice to have groups from various schools come to do a service!!

Jim & Lolly Brewer said...

Yes. You probably house them overnight, also. That is quite interesting, too. The ones that stay here have always been friendly and pleasant. Lolly

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.
Another Benchmark - notice I am NOT on the bench!

Jason & Sheri

Jason & Sheri
Wedding Day June 15, 2007

Aunt Doris

Aunt Doris
I used to be this small.

Small head ~

Small head ~