The Brewer Family

The Brewer Family
2004 Picture

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Surprise visit again!!

Just chatting with Sheri.
Dinner time.

Grandpa and Grandma enjoy holding the munchkin, though occasionally she thinks she can take off and wander around the room. Soon, but not yet!


Dorcas said...

Isn't it exciting to have your family come visit when you don't get to see them very often??? I love it :o))

Jim & Lolly Brewer said...

Yes, we love to have them come. We have been able to see them a couple times a month since Victoria has been born. It was hard to get together before that since three working schedules had to be juggled and it was hard to find a mutual day off. Lolly

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.

33 years since that 1st benchmark of our love.
Another Benchmark - notice I am NOT on the bench!

Jason & Sheri

Jason & Sheri
Wedding Day June 15, 2007

Aunt Doris

Aunt Doris
I used to be this small.

Small head ~

Small head ~